EuroQHPC Workshop 2024
Monday 26th 2024
Session A: 9:00 to 10:00
9:00-9:10: Opening remarks.
9:10-9:35: Francisco Javier Cardama Santiago, Jorge Vázquez Pérez, Tomás Fernández Pena, Juan C. Pichel Campos and Andrés Gómez Tato. Quantum Compilation Process: a Survey.
9:35-10:00: Laura M. Donaire, Gloria Ortega, Francisco Orts and Ester M. Garzón. Optimizing a quantum BCD Adder in terms of T-gates and CNOT gates.
Session B: 10:30 to 12:10
10:30-10:55: Ernesto Acosta Martín, Carlos Cano Gutiérrez, Guillermo Botella and Roberto Campos. Adiabatic training for Variational Quantum Algorithms.
10:55-11:20: Luis Sánchez Cano, Guillermo Botella Juan, Ginés Carrascal de Las Heras and Alberto Barrio García. Factoring integers via Schnorr’s algorithm assisted with VQE
11:20-11:45: Maxime Remaud, Arnaud Gazda and Océane Koska. Hybrid Quantum Computing: the Use Case of Shor’s Algorithm.
11:45-12:10: Joanna Wiśniewska and Marek Sawerwain. Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Classification in Distributed Data Sets.
Session C: 13.30 to 15:15
13:30-14:05: Elise Jennings, Martin Ruefenacht and Stefan Kister. < w|b > : a Quantum Emulation Workbench for Benchmark Construction and Application Development.
14:05-14:30: Diego García-Vega, Fernando Plou Llorente, Alejandro Leal Castaño, Elias F. Combaro and José Ranilla. LazyQML: A Python library to benchmark Quantum Machine Learning models.
14:30-15:05: Gonzalo Ferro, Oluwatosin Esther Odubanjo, Diego Andrade and Andrés Gómez. TNBS: A Kernel-Based Benchmarking for Digital Quantum Computers
15:05-15:15: Closing Remarks